
Do you know how to apply perfume?

Perfume - an essential attribute and at the same time the secret weapon of any woman. Practically each of us has several nice bottles with different aromas on the dresser - day, evening, everyday or for a special occasion.

But from whether you know how to apply perfume correctly, the result of your efforts depends on whether you will captivate and fascinate others or push them away and make you wrinkle your nose But from whether you know how to apply perfume correctly, the result of your efforts depends on whether you will captivate and fascinate others or push them away and make you wrinkle your nose.

Sure, you are for the first option. And we hope that our recommendations will come in handy.

The main rule when applying perfume is moderation. To smell good, it is not necessary to pour perfume from head to toe. It is enough to put just a couple of drops. Just need to know where.

And this is our next recommendation. Apply perfume to where your heart beats. It sounds romantic, but everything is much simpler. You can hear your heart in the pulsations of the veins - on the neck, temples, in the crook of the elbows and knees, behind the lobes of the ears and on the wrists.

The skin is warmer here, and the aromas on it open more clearly and saturated. If the skin is also moistened before applying perfume, the aroma will evaporate much more slowly. Please, here is the answer to the question of how to apply perfume correctly so that the fragrance lasts longer. You are always interested in him too, aren't you?

But if there is a spray bottle on the bottle of your perfume, then it is better to do differently. Just splash a few times in front of you and enter the resulting cloud. Perfume evenly settles on your skin and voila - you are wrapped in a pleasant fragrant train.

Nothing complicated, right? But that's not all.

Never apply perfume on dirty skin or hair. And even more so do not try to hide the smell of sweat with their help. The result will not please you. You should also not mix different flavors, for example, put the evening perfume over the day.

It is not recommended to use perfume in the bikini area, especially “deep” It is not recommended to use perfume in the bikini area, especially “deep”.

This is not only bad form, but also dangerous to health.

Applying perfume cap from the bottle is also not very hygienic.

Your sebum will then go inside and can simply spoil them. And in order for your favorite perfume to delight you as long as possible, you need them properly stored do not forget about it.

If you have to go to a restaurant or have been invited to dinner, use the perfume at a minimum. The smell of your perfume should not overshadow the aroma of dishes on the table. Also in this case, the application of perfume on the hands and hair.

Those who are accustomed to perfume not only the body, but also the clothes, will be interested to learn how to apply oil perfume so as not to leave marks on the fabric.

So, never put perfume on the front of your dress or jacket. Just apply a few drops directly on the body. So the fragrance will be better to hold, and do not spoil the expensive thing.

And the last thing we would like to share, never rub perfume on the body. This will break its structure and, consequently, the sound of the fragrance.

Use perfume correctly and always be irresistible!

Use perfume correctly and always be irresistible

You are always interested in him too, aren't you?
Nothing complicated, right?